"The most important thing I learned through participation in Discovery Day was how interested these kids are already about going to college, and how they are already planning to lead brighter lives." - Emerald Culmer-Royster, SSU student
"Service-learning students become a liaison between you and the community," explains Engineering Science professor Dr. Farid Farahmand.
"It's really fun, with insight and leadership skills." - Lidia Morales
The school year has just begun and already my notebooks are filling up with notes and my backpack is teeming with loose papers and class syllabi. Not only do these dreaded piles of paper take up space and money, most likely we will throw away 3/4 of the pile at the end of the semester.
Internships, volunteer hours, and community involvement are just some of the things that students need and want during their time at school. Many students have a hard time finding these opportunities because they do not know where to look or they do not know that the opportunities even exist.
"[What] I hope to get out of this experience is to show the younger students a glimpse of college life so they know what to expect." -Jeno, SSU student
Today it is easy to get overwhelmed by all the talk about climate change and the California drought, but for many of us the challenge isn't caring about these issues, the challenge is "how do I become apart of the solution?" There are many paths that lead to a more sustainable lifestyle, but to h
"One thing I've learned today is that engineering is not only about yourself, but you have to think about other people.
The Center for Community Engagement along with more than a dozen community partners held the Post Fire Service & Internship Fair. A similar event occurred at the beginning of the semester but a host of issues facing the area exacerbated as a result of the fires.