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Did you know that service-learning first got started because students asked faculty for it? Service-learning can be a great tool for faculty to engage their students in hands-on learning with both an academic and civic purpose, all while having a positive impact in the community. Service-learning is a form of experiential learning that provides students with opportunities to participate in organized service activities with non-profit, educational, social service, and government agencies that meet community needs while linking the service experiences to the course content.

Brianne McDonough of USA Today College explains, "These courses allow you to see how the subject you are learning can be applied through projects that address real-world concerns." We want the best education possible for the students of SSU, and we think service-learning is definitely a part of that package!

Service-learning can look very different across different disciplines. Some projects are about getting outside: planting trees, painting murals, and more. Others take place in classrooms, among them reading to students, participating in pen-pal projects, and helping students research local history. Still others center around getting involved with a local community, through events such as wellness fairs, creating guides to local resources, and partnering with local agencies that offer assistance to community members. 

Service-Learning Course List Spring 2025

BIOL 131S 1Lisa BentleyBIOL 323 1, 3Nathan Rank
CCJS 480 1Bryan BurtonCOMS 240 1Hillary Homzie
COMS 340 1Emily Acosta LewisCOUN 510B 1 Maureen Buckley
COUN 510B 3Adam ZagelbaumCOUN 510B 5Cecile Bhang
COUN 510B 7Adam HillCOUN 510B 9Thomas Newell
COUN 515B 1Adam HillCOUN 515B 3  Tatra-Li de la Rosa
COUN 515B 5Adam ZagelbaumCOUN 515B 7Maureen Buckley
COUN 515B 9Julie ShulmanEDEC 220 1Yajuan Xiang
EDEC 220 2Kathleen KellyEDEC 437 1Lisel Murdock-Perriera
EDMS 471 1Laura BelfiglioEDSS 417 1Sarah Rapp
EE 310 1Farid FaramandENGL 160B 1, 3, 5, 7Timothy Wandling
ENGL 160B 2Barbara BeattieGEP 324 1Allison Ford
HIST 500 1Steve EstesKIN 427 1Yonjoong Ryuh
MATH 367 1Susan HerringMATH 467 1Susan Herring
NURS 310 1Janelle Coleman-SmithPSY 410 1Missy (Melissa) Garvin
SCI 220 1Karen TargettSOCI 482 1Zeke Baker

Service-Learning Course List Fall 2024

BUS 386MG 1Nadiya ParekhEDEC 437 1Lisel Murdock-Perriera
BUS 452 1Naga Lakshmi DamarajuEDEC 437 2Anya Kayne
BUS 453 1Naga Lakshmi DamarajuEE 470 1Farid Farahmand
BUS 491 1Adele SantanaENGL 101 71, 79, 82Emily Hostutler
BUS 491 2Naga Lakshmi DamarajuENGL 101 77John Hines
CHEM 120A 1Monica LaresENGL 160A 1, 3, 4, 5, 7Tim Wandling
COMS 160A 1, 2Hillary HomzieHD 322 1Benjamin Smith
COMS 201 1Talena SandersKIN 305 1, 2Yonjoong Ryuh
COMS 210 1Gina BaleriaMATH 367 1Susan Herring
COMS 302 1, 2Elizabeth BurchMATH 467 1Susan Herring
COMS 320 1Amy GutierrezNURS 412 1Karen Werder
COMS 340 1Hillary HomzieNURS 412P 1Karen Werder
COUN 515A    1, 2Maureen BuckleyNURS 412P 2Monica Seo
COUN 515A    3, 4Adam ZagelbaumNURS 412P 3Jacqueline Sherman
COUN 515A    5, 6Adam HillNURS 412P 4Karen Werder & 
Monica Seo & 
Kaija Freborg
COUN 515A    7, 8Tatra-Li de la RosaPHIL 160A 1, 2Andy Wallace
COUN 515A    9, 10Julie ShulmanPOLS 484 1David McCuan
COUN 520    1Adam ZagelbaumPOLS 498 1Emily Ray
COUN 523 1Maureen BuckleyPOLS 505 1, 2Richard Hertz
ECON 375 1Robert EylerPSY 302 1Missy Garvin
EDEC 220    1Yajuan XiangPSY 313 1Suzanne Maggio-Hucek
EDEC 220    2Kathleen KelleyPSY 409 1Jessica Hobson
EDEC 290 1Elita Virmani
Ayesha Rabadi-Raol
SCI 220 1, 2Karen Targett
EDEC 290L 1Elita Virmani
Ayesha Rabadi-Raol
SPAN 300 1Emily Clark
EDEC 347 1Kathleen Kelley  


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