UPDATED: Recruit Students at Community Partner Thursdays
You can recruit SSU students for your organization by participating in Community Partner Thursdays.
To table at SSU:
Step 1:
Check the Google calendar to see if your preferred date is available.
Step 2:
Email the CCE with your contact info and preferred date. You might want to send a first and second choice for a better chance of availability.
Step 3:
You will receive an email confirming your date. It will include information about how to get a complimentary parking pass, where to pick up the table, and what to bring.
Step 4:
Email us with three pieces of information:
- The location where you plan to set up your table. Community partners have had success in Seawolf Plaza (between the Student Center and the Recreation Center), between Salazar Hall and Toast, and outside the Library in the Schulz Information Center. The Library has a covered breezeway that can be helpful on rainy days.
- The time you plan to begin and end tabling.
Step 5:
Recruit! Also see Successful Tabling Tips for Recruiting Students for some guidance on how to make the most of your time tabling.
Step 6:
Follow up! Contact the students who expressed interest. We will follow up too by sending you a report of the results of the communications activity.
Frequently Asked Questions...
1. Where can I find parking?
Make sure you stop at the Sonoma State University Parking Booth located at the main entrances to pick up your complimentary parking pass. Then find parking at any of the general parking lots. After you park you will go to the CCE office on the first floor of the Library in the Schulz Information Center.
2. What happens if it's raining?
If it happens to be raining on your scheduled tabling day, you may set up your table under the covered space outside the first floor of the Library.
3. What should I bring?
You should bring position descriptions, brochures, information about upcoming events, sign-up sheets, or anything else you may need. Please only bring what you are able to carry as we will not be able to assist you from your car to your tabling location.
4. When is the best time to table?
It depends on what you're tabling for. If you're tabling for volunteers for an event, it is best to table 1-2 weeks prior to the event. If you are tabling for interns, at the end of the semester or the beginning of the semester is best so that students can register for internship units. Usually, campus is the most active during the first and last few weeks of the semester and during midterms. There seems to be lower campus activity during the weeks prior and after holidays. See the academic calendar for these dates.
On the day you're tabling, you can pick up your table from the CCE any time after 8 AM and it must be returned by 5 PM. The CCE is located on the first flood of the Library in the Schulz Information Center. Partial days are fine, but since lunchtime is the best time of day to recruit students, it is best to make sure you're tabling then. We recommend tabling on Thursdays because it is the busiest day on campus, however if you would rather table on a different day of the week, please let us know. Fridays are particularly sparse, however there are more returning, local and graduate students on campus, so if you're targeting that population, you might try a Friday.

Author: Merith Weisman