Service-learning gave me the confidence to know that I can be effective and make a difference in my community. I may not be the smartest student, but I make up for it with my determination and resilience.
What are students saying about the 12th Discovery Day?
The Center for Community Engagement (CCE) is going through some exciting changes! Sonoma State needs a Civic Action Plan and the CCE needs an updated Strategic Plan. So, we intend to create one plan that serves both these entities.
Before working with the Center for Community Engagement, I didn't know that an event like Discovery Day happened at Sonoma State.
Service-learning has taught me how to go outside of myself and my world and focus on much bigger and better things. Before college, I never spent any time focusing on my community. I was an athlete and an A and B student that felt as if I needed to help anyone it would be me.
Part 9 of a 10 Part Series
In a society that has now been accustomed to trusting a screen on a daily basis, it is quite refreshing to be able to put our electronics down and partake in actual conversation.
Probably the cutest event the Center for Community Engagement hosts is Book Buddies. Sonoma State service-learning students from Dr.
"Today made Sonoma State and college a possibility" said Stephanie Ioza, a junior from Roseland Collegiate Prep (RCP).