As a woman of color, voting isn't a choice for me; it's crucial. Time and time again, my rights as a human are up for grabs. Not caring about voting is a privilege afforded to people whose rights aren't continually debated.

As a Sonoma State student who has dealt with mental health issues for most of my life and has experienced the difficulties with access to mental health care, having an accessible option for Sonoma State regardless of income is something I feel is incredibly important.

“There were no opportunities for students like me, that look like me,” Dr. Wendy Castañeda-Leal explained during a public Zoom meeting with Community Action Partnership Sonoma County.

Throughout the four years I have been at Sonoma State, the school and surrounding areas have been ravaged by fires, some started by arsonists while others were started by a massive gas and electric company.

On March 10th, Dr. Stephen Bittner and Dr. Zeke Baker held a lecture entitled “Why Should I Care About the War in Ukraine?” which was hosted by the Center for Community Engagement. Overall, the lecture was super informative and interesting.

The pandemic has changed the world as we once knew it, especially for college students. It has been a challenging year full of constant stress, worry and uncertainty.

“I think it’s important for organizations to take a look at their patterns and practices in order to address the systemic racism and biases… and it’s important for organizations you have to be honest.

“Unity because it allowed us to come together not just as students, but as an entire community to work through this new and profound experience together” - Addison Smith, student in Professor Homzie’s Fall 2020 Coms 200 course.

This last fall semester, I was in Professor Homzie’s communications 200 course when she assigned the Covid Diary Project (CDP) to the class. I was a bit hesitant to start this project because I wasn’t sure what medium (daily journaling, blogging, a short video, etc) I wanted to pick.

On behalf of the CCE I would love to take a moment to recognize just how much we value our AmeriCorps VISTA members.