SWEEP: Swept Away by Loss of Funding
July 30, 2011
As those of you who have been following the storyknow, we were very excited to receive three years of federal funding from
Service & Internship Fair IV
July 27, 2011
Early in the Fall 2010 semester, Sonoma State University's Career Services, Join Us Making Progress (JUMP) and the
What's it like working in the CCE?
July 8, 2011
In August 2010, I started working as a student assistant for the Center for Community Engagement (CCE).
Skipping to the Last Stop
June 6, 2011
Happy Summer! Summer at SSU is a time for reflection and planning for the next academic year. It's a slower time here, while in the community, work continues at its regular high speed.
Community Based Participatory Research Workshop I
May 9, 2011
In April, the CCE hosted an interactive workshop luncheon with Natalia Deeb-Sossa, an Assistant Professor in Chicana/o