
Center for Community Engagement Logo
Changes in the CCE
| January 22, 2013

Exciting changes are happening here in the CCE.

Center for Community Engagement Logo
Visions of 2025 from SSU CCE Students
| January 7, 2013

As we ring in the new year, the student staff at the Center for Community Engagement can't help but wonder how the world will be in the year 2025.

Quote, "the visit to SSU and intern recruitment was quite successful"
New Way to Recruit SSU Students!
| December 4, 2012
Social Justice retreat group photo
Social Justice Retreat 2012
| November 19, 2012

For two days and one night I attended the second annual social justice retreat at the Sequoia Retreat Center.

Tips & Trends in Service-Learning III
| November 5, 2012

"The key to service learning is reflection." - Merith Weisman
