
Kara Connors speaking at the workshop
Developing and Sustaining a Community-Based Participatory Research Initiative:
| May 6, 2013

"CBPR builds on strengths and resources within the community."

Shadow Day V
| April 22, 2013

"Connections were made that day between us and our students, and I know from here on out if they need someone to talk to, the mentors they met on Shadow Day will be there.

Discovery Day VI
| April 15, 2013

"Discovery Day was a huge success and I really enjoyed the whole day...The scavenger hunt allowed me to practice the leadership skills learned throughout the University 222 course.

Center for Community Engagement Logo
Dreams of Peace
| April 8, 2013

I reviewed several years' worth of free write papers from first-year students at Sonoma State University. Since I am also a first year at Sonoma State, my supervisor asked me to take on this assignment.

Careers For The Common Good V
| March 13, 2013

"Stretch beyond your comfort zone. You never know who might be able to help you," states speaker Davin Cardenas '04.
