I've been impressed and inspired by the professional sports strikes to protest racial injustice and racialized police violence, and I'm not alone. Dr.
It is safe to say that 2020 has been a time of historical significance due to the COVID-19 pandemic, a resurging racial justice movement in the U.S., and raging California wildfires, all happening during an election year.
As we say goodbye to our VISTA Jen Anna, we are excited to say hello to two new VISTAs, Leah Beaumount and Monserrat Salas. We are also lucky enough to say welcome back to our returning VISTA, Alex Anderson.
I am happy to announce the move of the Center for Community Engagement to the Chief Diversity Office in the Office of the President.
“Why does it matter? What are the implications in your life and broader world? Where do they fit in as a global citizen?” Dr. Garvin asks.