
COTS’ table set-up during the Service & Internship Fair
September 9, 2024
artwork in three panels
Congrats to Community Diary Project/Sonoma Responds
| July 6, 2021

Congratulations to the Sonoma County Library in winning the California Library Association’s Best In Show award in 2021! This recognition of their Sonoma Responds project is well-deserved.

Emily Acosta Lewis discussing how service-learning can be incorporated into the RTP process.
Guiding Faculty through RTP with Community Engagement
| June 21, 2021

“I’m really interested in both the recognition of service-learning and community engagement as part of the RTP process and interested in gathering others understandings and expectations of what the level of commitment would be required o

Team One defining their goal with the project.
Science 220 Helping the Community Get Vaccinated through Service-Learning
| June 14, 2021

“Each project required lots of creativity and flexibility; each changed from the time the Petaluma Health Center and I carved the projects together, to when they were launched.

Elena Klaw giving a brief introduction about herself during the Deepening Service-Learning workshop.
A Deeper Understanding of Service-Learning
| June 7, 2021

The classroom is the place where students can intentionally reflect on their involvement and where they can see themselves as agents of change and they can also see themselves as someone who is taking a role in an organization.

Alex Anderson, Leah Beaumont, Monse Salas
Current VISTAs Say: “Become a VISTA!”
| May 20, 2021

The pandemic has changed the world as we once knew it, especially for college students. It has been a challenging year full of constant stress, worry and uncertainty.
