What will the future of the CCE and civic learning at SSU be? We need you to help determine the direction that we will take for the next five years. Here's how:
We need YOU to view the plan and then give us feedback.
The draft will be available for comment for two weeks before submission to the Provost and President for approval.
Once approved, the final plan will be submitted to the CSU Chancellor's Office and Campus Compact, as well as published on the CCE website.
To provide some background, you may know that the Center for Community Engagement (CCE) at Sonoma State University (SSU) receives funding and support from the CSU Chancellor's Office (CO). The CO also requires that the CCE have a Strategic Plan. We are now undertaking a new Strategic Planning process.
At the same time, we are undertaking revising SSU’s Civic Action Plan. Campus Compact is a national coalition of nearly 1,100 colleges and universities committed to the public purposes of higher education. Sonoma State University is a member. In 2016, Campus Compact had its 30th anniversary and issued an Action Statement which former President Armiñana signed. Included is:
These are commitments we make to each other with a recognition that our goals for a thriving and sustainable democracy cannot be achieved if we act alone--and that they cannot be denied if we act together. Our success over the last thirty years gives us confidence that we can build a world in which all students are prepared for lives of engaged citizenship, all campuses are engaged in strong partnerships advancing community goals, and all of higher education is recognized as an essential building block of a just, equitable, and sustainable future. In affirming these statements, each of us makes a commitment to develop a Campus Civic Action Plan within one year after March 20, 2016, or the date thereafter on which we become signatories. Our Civic Action Plans will state the actions our campuses will take as we move forward with a renewed sense of urgency, along with the impacts we expect to achieve. Our Civic Action Plans will be shared publicly, as will our assessments of the progress we are making in achieving the goals stated in the Plans.
We intend to revise the 2017-2022 plan that serves as both CCE's Strategic Plan and SSU's Civic Action Plan. If you have questions, comments or ideas, please share them with us.
Please join us in thanking the Strategic Action Committee composed of students, faculty, staff, administrators and community partners, and Karli Cowman, an MA student intern in the Organization Development program for all their help getting us this far.