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Other Forms of Community Engaged Teaching

While service-learning is the most studied form of community-engaged teaching, the CCE provides some support for others as well, including problem-based and project-based learning; course-based community-engaged scholarship; and unpaid internships.

Additionally, classes with a community-based or community-placed component that do not meet the criteria for academic service-learning can still use the Risk Management policy and work with the CCE to deepen the experience for all involved. Please contact to discuss this further.

Problem-based learning is a student-centered pedagogy in which students learn about a subject in the context of complex, multifaceted, and realistic problems. The goals of problem-based learning are to help the students develop flexible knowledge, effective problem-solving skills, self-directed learning, effective collaboration skills and intrinsic motivation.1

Project-based learning is an instructional method that provides students with complex tasks based on challenging questions or problems that involve the students' problem-solving, decision-making, investigative skills, and reflection that includes teacher facilitation, but not direction.2

The difference between the two lies largely in their application: problem-based learning focuses on the problem and the process, while project-based learning focuses on the product. Learn more about the differences between problem and project-based learning with this virtual workshop.

When either is used to address a community problem or project, the result may look a lot like service-learning and classes can use the Risk Management policy.

Additionally, faculty can work with the CCE to deepen the experience for all involved. Please contact to discuss this further.

1Hmelo-Silver, C.E. (2004). Problem-based learning: What and How Do Students Learn? Educational Psychology Review, 16(3).

2PBLWorks (2003). Project Based Learning Handbook.

Faculty may choose to integrate their community-engaged scholarship into a course, resulting in a form of service-learning.

Faculty can work with the CCE to deepen the experience for all involved. Please contact to discuss this further.

The CCE can help faculty and departments identify community placements for interns and to deepen the experience for all involved. Please contact to discuss this further.

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