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What Happened to the Community Calendar?

Have you noticed that you no longer receive those emails with all the Sonoma County community events? They told you about all the amazing nonprofit and governmental opportunities to help you get out and get involved. But then suddenly in the summer of 2015, they stopped. What happened?

In the summer of 2015, the CCE transitioned three programs to the Volunteer Center of Sonoma County (VCSC) Nonprofit Resource Center. The Community Events email was part of that transition. So there's good news! You can start getting getting those emails again by subscribing with the VCSC.

Of course, you can still view the events on our website, host the community calendar on your website, subscribe to the calendar, and post community events to the calendar. The only thing that has changed is that the CCE is no longer managing it. Here's hoping you enjoy many more Sonoma County Community events!


Merith Weisman

Author: Merith Weisman