Welcome Ash, Brenda, Iris, Jeremy, Jesus, Liliana, Lisa, & Missy!

August 21, 2017
From left to right: Jesus, Brenda, Iris, and Liliana.

From left to right: Jesus, Brenda, Iris, and Liliana.

Ash Klein on her First Day
Dr. Missy Garvin

Dr. Missy Garvin

Dr. Jeremy Qualls

Dr. Jeremy Qualls

From left to right: Jesus, Brenda, Iris, and Liliana.
Ash Klein on her First Day
Dr. Missy Garvin
Dr. Jeremy Qualls
Merith Weisman
Merith Weisman

Classes start on August 22, and we're gearing up in the CCE. I'm excited to welcome 4 new AmeriCorps VISTA members, the new Administrative Coordinator2 new Faculty Fellows, and SSU's new Provost.

All of this growth is exciting and I know it's going to be an amazing year full of learning and impact! Please join me in welcoming everyone!