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Travel to Bali and Explore Social Entrepreneurship for the 21st Century

Sonoma State University's Professor Robert Girling in Partnership with Bali Institute for Global Renewal Presents:

Social Entrepreneurship for the 21st Century

January 2-16, 2013

Journey to the magical island of Bali to participate in a special 2-week 
educational program designed to challenge and inspire you while immersed in a unique indigenous environment. This experience will provide you with many skills and tools necessary for understanding social entrepreneurship with a global perspective. Over the course of the program you'll engage with inspirational community organizations, explore places off-the-beaten path, and enjoy the rich and vibrant culture. Price: $1995 (plus airfair and fees for academic credit, if desired).

LEARN MORE - INFO MEETING on October 9, 2012 @ 11-12:30 1121 Schultz Information Center or 5-6:30pm in 3001 Schultz Information Center or contact Dr. Robert Girling at

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Author: SSU CCE