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Simple Ways to Save Your Health, Money, and Planet: Tip 2

Turn Off the Water

Part 2 of a 10 Part Series

Here in California we are constantly talking about the drought and discussing ways that we can both individually and collectively reduce our water usage. Our dwindling freshwater supply is daunting and uncomfortable to face, however we must get serious about changing our behavior if we still want to have water from our tap 5 years from now. There are simple habits that can help you do your part in reducing the strain on California's freshwater.

[Related: Simple Ways to Save Your Health, Money and Planet" Tip 1]

Tip 2: Water saving tips

Turn off the water when you are:

  • Washing dishes
  • Washing your hands
  • Brushing your teeth

Turn off the water in the shower when you are:

  • Shampooing/Conditioning
  • Using body wash or soap
  • Shaving (fill up a cup of water and dip your razor in to clean it)

Everyone likes a long hot shower, but by turning the water off when its not being used you can still enjoy taking your time and not waste unnecessary water.

The average American uses 80-100 gallons of water EVERY DAY. However when you add in the amount of freshwater used to produce the goods and services we consume, individuals use closer to 2,000 gallons per day!

We know that large corporations and businesses use horrific amounts of our water, but the change in mindset and values has to start with you. If we all as individuals address the importance of reducing our use of water and hold each other accountable for our actions, companies will be unable to avoid their responsibility of reduction as well.