From Shared Vision to Reality:
Gold Ridge 4C's Preschool and SSU Service-Learning Garden
What happens when the director of the Gold Ridge 4C's Preschool and an SSU service-learning faculty member put their heads together? The result is a beautiful organic garden providing not only food, but also learning opportunities for preschoolers and college students alike.
See the whole story and more spectacular pictures:
Service-learning is all about collaboration, and this project is no exception. Special thanks to Jon Brazeal, Construction Manager, Stacy and Witbeck/HERZOG, Ray Cox, Osh, Starbucks, Oliver's, Andrea Pfieffer, Jessica Hobson, all the children, parents and staff of Gold Ridge 4C's Preschool, EDEC 270 & PSY 302 service-learners, and everyone else who helped make this project happen.

Author: SSU CCE