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Please Help Us With Our New Website

Thanks to the tireless work of SRJC service-learners Carolyn Warren and Lisa Glover, the CCE has a new website! So, now we need your help! Please check it out at We can still make changes so I'd love your feedback. Please let us know what needs to be improved/changed and how and we'll get right on it.

In the late-90s, many organizations were unsure if or why they needed a website. It was not uncommon for sites to simply take the material from their tri-fold brochure and copy & paste it to their new pages. Many sites had PDF versions of these brochures to download. There were many cases of half built sites with multiple permanent "more coming soon" links. Then, over the years, as personnel and programs changed, updates and revisions would be made. Yet, professionals never developed an actual website using best practices in website design. Although I was not here at the time, I'm guessing that the website the CCE inherited from the old Office of Community Based Learning fit this description. It had many updates over the years, but really needed a complete overhaul.

And that's what Carolyn and Lisa did. They took the massive amounts of old and new content and managed the often conflicting design and accessibility requirements of SSU, my never-ending whims, and the CCE's Strategic Plan requirements of modelling best practices. They did this while working within the time constraints of their class, and were able to integrate the notes and feedback from the other students in their classmates and from the CCE Strategic Action Committee .

Your suggestions are highly valued! Please let us know how we can 
improve the new site. Thanks for your help and special thanks to the 
SRJC students for all their hard work!

Author: Merith Weisman