Farewell and Thank You to our First VIPs, Bella and Simone
AmeriCorps Volunteer Infrastructure Program (VIP) members Isabella Martinez and Simone Barnard have completed their AmeriCorps service with the CCE and Common Ground Society. Similar to what our former AmeriCorps VISTA members did, VIPs Isabella and Simone spent one day a week on campus and four days a week at our community partner site, Common Ground Society, serving as the points of contact for students or community members looking to participate with organizations like CGS. Both of these talented VIPs will use the skills gained through their partnerships and community service to better impact their communities.
We appreciate the work of our AmeriCorps VIPs and wish them luck on their next steps. AmeriCorps members will always have a special place at SSU and here in the CCE. All of our former members have gone on to do great things for themselves and for their communities.
[Related blog post: Celebrating 30 Years of National Service]
Simone will be applying to The University of San Francisco for their masters in sports management. Simone is very proud of their work: “from serving in AmeriCorps, I will be bringing professionalism, the ability to work in a team-environment and independently, and the ability to advocate for myself.” As an alumni returning to SSU, Simone was surprised to see things from a new point of view, and enjoyed assisting students and community members: “It was interesting at first going to campus not as a student, but as a community partner. SSU has such a great alumni network that I have been able to connect with for personal and professional networking.”
Bella thanks the CCE for the progress she's made: “I've built strong connections with local families and other organizations through my previous job and my time with Common Ground Society. The sense of community has kept me dedicated to nonprofit work.” Bella is now the Executive Assistant at Common Ground Society and says, “there is still a lot more to learn about how nonprofits operate.” With the experience gained in her last year of community service, Bella is confident in her capability to excel in her new position.
Thank you both, Bella and Simone. We will see you around in the community!

Author: Nathan Molina