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Discovery Day XV

Dr. Jessica Hobson's PSY 302 service-learners have once again participated in Discovery Day, an event that gives Roseland University Prep students information about applying to college and what it's like to be a student. One SSU student felt eager to show her group around campus, "I love being able to inform students who are younger than me that it's possible to go to to college. Money shouldn't hold anyone back."

The day started off with some ice breakers which then led into a campus scavenger hunt. This is my favorite part of Discovery Day because it allows RUP students to explore Sonoma State's beautiful campus and see all the resources that you are given as a student. The majority of the group that I shadowed were interested in pre-nursing, so they took special interest in visiting the cadaver room. A freshman's face lit up once she entered Darwin Hall, "One day I want to be a nurse. I like biology and helping people, so it's perfect for me." A student-panel gave RUP kids a chance to ask any questions about SSU regarding student-life, academics, financial aid, etc. SSU students who participated in the panel additionally shared their personal experiences on how they have managed to afford tuition and what resources they have utilized.

Other than grades, the main reason why kids don't make it to college is because they can't afford it. Discovery Day is overall a fantastic opportunity for high schoolers because not ideal financial circumstances are addressed and given a solution. During the student-panel, an SSU student informed them about the EOP program and her own thoughts about the topic, "I come from a low-income family but my dream was to make it to a four year university and here I am. I made it work and you can too." I think that RUP students hearing about others who were in the same situation as them go off to college is inspiring to them and gives them the hope and motivation that they can achieve their goals too.

Check out more posts about Discovery Day

Jessica Pereira

Author: Jessica Pereira