Community Service Across the Globe: The Peace Corps

March 19, 2018
Jackeline giving a student more information on what the Peace Corps entails

Jackeline giving a student more information on what the Peace Corps entails

Peace Corps tabling at SSU

Peace Corps tabling at SSU

Jackeline giving a student more information on what the Peace Corps entails
Peace Corps tabling at SSU
Jessica Pereira
Jessica Pereira

"It brings awareness to third world countries and shows that you can make a difference in the world." Jackeline, Sonoma State's Peace Corps Campus Ambassador is spreading her passion for traveling and service-learning by promoting one of America's largest non-profit organizations, the Peace Corps. The Peace Corps is a two year volunteer-based service opportunity in which participants engage in service projects that help tackle ongoing poverty-related crises in over 60 countries. These service projects focus on education, environment issues, health, youth in development, and agriculture. Active volunteers have access to insurance, housing and transportation at little to no cost and even receive a monthly stipend and an education award at the end of their service. Basically, if you become a volunteer for this highly credited organization, you will receive exceptional benefits.

While this opportunity piques an interest for many recent graduates, it is not for everyone. Participants must be willing to leave the comfort of their home for over two years and immerse themselves into a culture that may be completely foreign to them while being open to tackling some of the hardest challenges of their lives with these current global issues. This is not for those who are looking for a resume builder or a vacation, but for those who genuinely want to take part in something that is bigger than themselves. It is an experience of a lifetime that is extremely rewarding for those have a passion for creating a better future for our planet and the people.

While the Peace Corps offers many benefits to their volunteers, many people have the common fear of not being able to find a job after their two year service experience for it can be easy to become out of touch with climbing the career ladder. Fortunately, the Peace Corps provides their volunteers access to career fairs and a reduced grad school tuition for over 90 participating universities, so it is definitely possible to find a rewarding career post Peace Corps.

Although I have always been interested in this organization, talking to Jackeline about the Peace Corps and what can come out of it has only increased my interest in partaking in my two years of service in the near future. I can only assume that it is an experience that requires passion, hard work, and optimism, but is also an experience that I hope to accomplish.

Interested in the Peace Corps? Visit their website at for more information.