Check Out the SSU Civic Action Plan/CCE Strategic Plan
Thanks to everyone who contributed to the development of the CCE Strategic Plan/SSU Civic Action Plan. Over the course of the year, we developed one plan, approved by President Sakaki, that serves as both CCE's Strategic Plan and SSU's Civic Action Plan (read about the process here and here). Highlights include:
Sonoma State University seeks to infuse the five commitments made in the Campus Compact's 30th Anniversary Action Statement into the curriculum, co-curriculum, research, and institutional practice. Our goal is to foster an academic environment that furthers democracy and civic action.
Action Items:
- Increase community outreach and strengthen community-university partnerships.
- Foster collaborative relationships within the University, and between the University and the community.
- Promote an inclusive approach that addresses the distinctive values, beliefs, and cultures of the students and community partners.
- Build a campus environment that focuses on the environmental, economic, and social justice implications of sustainability.
- Integrate community work into the curriculum to provide learning opportunities that are relevant and impactful.
- Provide coordination and resource development services across disciplines.
- Create awareness and enable the process of developing a civic perspective.
- Fill a newly created staff support position. Phase in appropriate staffing to include a full-time director, part-time faculty fellows from each of the five schools, a full-time community partnership coordinator, and full-time clerical support. Future growth plans include several other staff members such as other coordinator positions and a grant writer.
- Develop a strategic action committee consisting of faculty, students, and community members. It will focus on developing the university's institutional learning outcomes for civic engagement and will promote and make visible civically engaged academic work on campus. It will also ensure the CCE's effectiveness in managing its own strategic plan.
- All non-copyright-restricted resources will be digitized and available online through the CCE website, and copyrighted material will be fully digitally cataloged and continue to be available for checkout.
We'd love your feedback. Please let us know what you think by leaving a comment below!

Author: Merith Weisman