Careers for the Common Good Panel III
Center for Community Engagement collaborated with JUMP and Sonoma State University Career Services to hold the annual Careers for the Common Good Panel discussion. This event is designed to assist upperclassmen who have an interest in working in the non-profit sector the opportunity to ask questions and receive advice from both Sonoma State University graduates and local citizens who make a living in the non-profit world. The panel featured six speakers including Shana Friedman from Community Action Partnership, Tiffany O'Neil from the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, Travis Axton from Peace Corps, Davin Cardenas from the Graton Day Labor Center, Fred Vedder, an art teacher from Roseland University Prep, and Jerry Noviello from CalSERVES Americorps. The speakers gave the students eye opening and life changing advice.
"[people] can theorize for days but that truly doesn't mean anything if it isn't put into practice."
-Davin Cardenas, 2004 SSU graduate
According to student David Ortiz, "the meeting provided much information" such as Shana Friedman's statement, "The time I spent volunteering ended up shaping my career; the relationships I built serving as a volunteer counted as references in the future." The turnout of the event included over 25 students eager to hear how they can make a difference in their near futures. Special thanks to the presenters who volunteered their time to make this event such a success! The Careers for the Common Good Panel will return for the upcoming 2012 spring semester so make sure to stay tuned.
Check here for more pictures fro the event.

Author: Merith Weisman