100 Blog Posts: By the Numbers
Way back in 2009, George Moskoff did a study of our community partnerships. The results were clear - our community partners wanted much more contact via email and social media. I wanted to make sure that we used and modeled best practices, so I undertook an ongoing social media learning process.
One of the folks I learned the most from is Heather Mansfield. In a webinar I attended, she explained that she resisted creating a blog for many years. "How many blogs do we really need? Everyone's doing it!" But when she finally did, she found that the blog pulled all the pieces of her work together. It turned out that Heather Mansfield was right. (Want to learn from Heather Mansfield, too? Get her book, read her blog, or take a free webinar.)
Of course, I had my own concerns. What would I write about? How will I find the time to write or edit guest posts? Will anyone read it?
Now here we are, one hundred blog posts later. The CCE blog serves as a record of activities, an alternative to archiving email newsletters, and a publication outlet for faculty, students and community partners. And while we have not yet been successful in building strong conversation and community in the blog, we're happy to say we survived a platform move. The blog continues to provide us with a way to connect in a more casual way.
So, while we admit that these types of data don't tell us anything important about impact or outcomes, without further ado, here are the numbers:
-26,084 people have viewed the blog
-1232 people viewed the most popular blog post of all time
-668 people viewed the most most popular "how to" post
-516 people viewed the most popular "spotlight" post of all time
-341 people viewed the most popular community partner blog post of all time
-179 people viewed the most popular faculty blog post of all time
-142 people viewed the most popular student blog post of all time
-163 people viewed the 99th blog post in a month
-94 people viewed the first blog post
-33 viewed the first blog post in our current blogging platform
Thank you so much for your interest and support! Here's to the next hundred!