Assessing Service-Learning
Because, service-learning is not credit for service (or time) and because service-learning is an integrated text of an academic course that provides credit for learning, and because service-learning is based on reciprocal University-Community partnerships:
- We measure academic learning
- We measure civic learning
- We also need to ensure community interest is addressed
There are many tools you can borrow or adapt to assess your service-learning class:
- Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning: Service-Learning Course Design Workbook includes matrices to help faculty develop their service-learning syllabi, integrate critical analysis and assess learning and impact. Copies are available for SSU faculty in the CCE. Please contact to request a copy.
- Many critical analysis tools can be evaluated and graded to determine student learning.
- Request a copy of the definitive article Assessing Service-learning and Civic Engagement: Principles and Techniques by emailing
- Student service-learning portfolio style plan
- Student political activism service-learning portfolio style plan and grading rubric
- Form for mid-semester community partner feedback request
- Form for end of semester community partner feedback request
- For more information email