
100 Blog Posts: By the Numbers
| January 5, 2015

Way back in 2009, George Moskoff did a study of our community partnerships.

SSU student, Kyle and his RUP partner, Patrick.
Shadow Day VII
| December 1, 2014

"One thing I've learned today is that engineering is not only about yourself, but you have to think about other people.

Why do we accept this?
Top Ten Tips: Simple Ways to Save Your Health, Your Money, and Your Planet
| November 24, 2014

Today it is easy to get overwhelmed by all the talk about climate change and the California drought, but for many of us the challenge isn't caring about these issues, the challenge is "how do I become apart of the solution?" There are many paths t

Discovery Day VIII
| November 10, 2014

"[What] I hope to get out of this experience is to show the younger students a glimpse of college life so they know what to expect." -Jeno, SSU student

Sharing tips and trends
Tips & Trends in Service-Learning V
| November 4, 2014

"I learned the definitions of service-learning; I was impressed that service-learning was just a small part of the larger picture," says one faculty participant.
