
CSUnity Conference in Chico
How to Know When to Stop Doing Service
| November 16, 2015

This summer was confusing, beautiful, stressful, and peaceful all at the same time. I learned more about myself in the past two months than I have in the last two years.

Nonprofit professionals listening to a Social Jeopardy question.
My Day As A Professional
| November 9, 2015

For me, the highlight of this the Volunteer Managers' Roundtable at the Volunteer Center of Sonoma County was suggesting to Hope Bohanec, Executive Director at Compassionate Living, that to reach the 18-25 dem

"Public Transit for the Public Good". The North Bay Organizing Project aims to extend the free bus access that currently exists for veterans and college students in Sonoma County to k-12 students.
Which Side Are You On?:
| November 2, 2015

I attended the North Bay Organizing Project's 5th Annual Public meeting.

Student Hiromu Sogi signing up at the Petaluma Bounty table with Caryn Mali.
UPDATED: Recruit Students at Community Partner Thursdays
| October 26, 2015

You can recruit SSU students for your organization by participating in Community Partner Thursdays.

Emily Seder, Asst. Director of the Writing Center, and Kurt Sollanek, Asst. Professor in Kinesiology
Tips & Trends in Service-Learning VI
| October 19, 2015

"I don't believe that what we do in education should only be within the classroom," said Beth Ann Turner, a Lecturer in the Music Department. "Students are living now.
