
Cal serves tabling
Find Your Passion, Potential, and Power with CalSERVES
| March 9, 2015

I was so glad to see the amazing organization CalSERVES here on campus! I did not know about this organization, so I was very curious to learn about their activities.

What is Just Coffee?
| March 3, 2015

"Would you like to join us for Just Coffee?," my supervisor asked. I said "yes," but had many questions about it. It sounded very ambiguous and I could not imagine what to expect.

Center for Community Engagement Logo
20 Things I Wish I'd Known About Higher Education When I Worked in Nonprofits Part 2
| February 16, 2015

This post is part 2 of 2 originally published on NPTalk in 2012. Part 1 includes 1-10.Click here to see Part 1.

Center for Community Engagement Logo
20 Things I Wish I'd Known About Higher Education When I Worked in Nonprofits Part 1
| February 9, 2015

This post is part 1 of 2 originally published by NPTalk in 2012.

The Volunteer Center was set up and ready for the very first Social Media Professionals Roundtable when we arrived.
My Productive Day of Firsts
| February 2, 2015

The first day of my internship was very productive and interesting. I met my new supervisor at 8am on the first day of school to go to the very first Social Media Professionals Roundtable at the Volunteer Center of Sonoma County.
