
Tips & Trends in Service-Learning II
| January 28, 2011

Early this semester Merith Weisman, coordinator of the Center for Community Engagement, provided a workshop for faculty members focused specifically for the STEM (science, technology, engineering, and

Center for Community Engagement Logo
Sharing Time, Skills, and Experience: How Time Banking Benefits Organizations
| January 5, 2011

Many people understand how individuals can use a time bank to exchange services (in case you don't, check out this 58 second video). This blog post focuses on how organizations can use a time bank.

SWEEP: Sustainable Waterway Educational Engagement Program
| December 6, 2010

Grant Awarded for Service-Learning in STEM Disciplines

Discovery Day III
| November 18, 2010

Every fall semester, Discovery Day provides younger students with their first exposure to higher education while providing college service-learners with an engaging opportunity for leadership and service.
