
Young kids enjoy bathing a duck with help from SSU students
Service-Learning Case Study: Psychology, Human Development, & Sociology
| July 16, 2018

"Service-learning is a great opportunity to engage the students in making a difference in their communities. I believe strongly that learning is experiential and not just textbook and classroom based." - Suzanne Maggio-Hucek

stone and mosaic memorial depicting andy
Andy's Unity Park Dedication
| July 11, 2018

The first weekend in June was full of activity. Just downtown, Sonoma County Pride paraded through the city of Santa Rosa.

Classmates at the Post-Fire Service & Internship Fair posing for a photo at a table
Dear Sonoma Journal Service-Learning Project Fosters Connections Between Students & Community
| July 9, 2018

I was a part of the class working alongside Professor Emily Seder on the Dear Sonoma Journal.

Finance Director, Betsy Howze using post-its and brainstorming
The Future of Our Friendly City: Rohnert Park Town Hall Meeting
| July 5, 2018

"Feedback for us is like water for a plant, it's necessary." City Manager, Darrin Jenkins explaining the significance of contributing your thoughts to the City Council of Rohnert Park.

Center for Community Engagement Logo
Service-Learning: A Future Nurse Reflects
| July 2, 2018

Service-learning makes me feel inspired to continue to give back to the community and work to benefit the needs of others.
